People had been playing different kinds of roulette for a pretty long period of time. Since the 18th century European and American roulettes have been well known, and these types of the game are still played at the casinos all over the world. And in the 19th century a deadly version of the roulette game became well known. Because of the fact that it appeared in Russia, it is called Russian roulette or "ruskaia ruletka". This horrible game was played by the despaired Russian officers. They used to put a single bullet into a revolver, spin the cylinder and shoot themselves.
With the great development of online gambling business the popularity of the roulette game became much bigger. It is much easier to play it on the internet than in real life. You can sit at your home computer and play live roulette . And as long as the online live casinos are open 24 hours a day, you can play not only from any place in the world but also at any time. Many online casinos offer signup bonuses to new players making their first deposit. Other online cassino offer cashable bonus or sticky bonuses, cash back bonuses. More information on bonuses you can read on Dublin Bet Live Casino Bonuses.